How to use the shop

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How to use the shop

  1. Go to Shop > Actions > Checkout

  2. Select the “Till: ” if needed (Every RedAtlas user has a default till assigned).

  3. The “Customer: ” is defaulted to CASH. Select a different customer if it’s an invoice customer that exists in RedAtlas.

  4. Add the required products to the shopping basket. For more information on this, go to:
  5. Once the required products are added to the basket, click on to take payment.

  6. On the payment screen, Enter the “Payment Method: ”.

  7. In “Payment Reference” enter the PDQ receipt code if needed.

  8. In “Address Type: “ select:
    • Customer details: if it’s a customer that exists in RedAtlas.
    • Existing Invoice Address: to select an alternate address for an existing customer.
    • New invoice address: to enter a new address.

  9. Click on to complete the payment.

  10. Click on the “Receipt” tab to view or print the receipt. Or click on the “Email” tab to email the receipt.

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