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/ Accounts / Customer Admin
Creating A Customer
- Select the Accounts tab. Select Admin / Customer Admin.
- Select + Add to open the Add New Customer menu.
- Enter the details of the new customer.
- External Account Number should match the Customer Account number from your Accounting Software e.g. Sage or Xero. This is a mandatory field.
- Name can be either and individuals name or a group share/syndicate name. This is a mandatory field.
- You can also add a secondary contact but it is not mandatory.
- If you want the customer to be able to use visitor payment then check the Visitor Payment box.
- Additional information about the customer can be added in the Customers Notes box
- Credit Limit can be set to any figure or left blank. This is a ‘soft’ limit and will not prevent spending occurring if the limit is reached, it is mostly for reporting purposes.
- Credit Control can be selected for any customers, but isn’t required. This is used to flag to ATC when a ‘movement’ is made if the outstanding balance of the customer account is greater than the credit limit.
- Invoice Frequency can be set to anything from Daily to Annually or left if not required.
- Invoice Delivery Method is a mandatory field and must be set to either Email or Post.
- Reporting Group is optional and is configured to your organisations requirements.
- You can add a customer’s direct debit information to make taking future payment easier
- Select Save to complete the customer’s details
Completing Customer Set-Up
- To get into the Customer Details click on the Open button.
- When in the Customer Details there are 7 tabs, Customer Details and Accounts are completed as part of Creating a Customer.
The Price Rules Tab
- The Price Rules tab allows you to optionally customise pricing based on products and groups.
- Select +Add to open the Add Price Rule screen.
- The customer number will autofill.
- Selecting the drop-down menu, you can choose the Product Type (e.g. Fuel, ATC charges) and the Charge Group (e.g. Visitors, Residents).
- Select Save to return to the Price Rules tab.
- Multiple entries can be made, but only one entry per Product Type.
The Copy Documents Tab
- The Copy Documents tab lists to current and historic invoicing related to the Customer.
- The invoices can be sorted by any on the columns highlighted in the title line, click any title twice to reverse the sort order.
- Selecting Reprint takes you to the invoice where it can be printed, saved or emailed.
- Selecting the ˅ on the left of the row to expand the line with additional details.
- Selecting Reprint does the same as the inline Reprint, Download PDF creates and downloads a PDF version of the invoice.
- Selecting Credit invoice will ask you to confirm before creating a Credit Note and matching it to the Invoice.
- Credit Notes use the same Reprint and Download PDF function as Invoices.
- The Search function will dynamically search on Invoice No or any of the Values in the columns from Net £ to Outstanding.
- Aircraft Details tab show aircrafts that are connected/billed to this.
The Account Charger Tab
- The Account Charges tab is for setting up recurring charges.
- Select the + Add to open the Add Recurring Charge screen.
- Customer will be automatically completed but can be changed by entering a new Customer Number.
- Aircraft is optional but it is good practice to complete. A lookup will run as you enter the aircraft’s registration giving you aircrafts associated with the customer.
- Product is selected from a dropdown of recurring Products available.
- Net Value is manually entered
- Tax Code is selected from the dropdown options of (Default), Standard, Reduced or Zero.
- Ticking the Is Active box will mean that transactions are made in line with the details provided. Unticking will put the recurring charge on hold.
- Frequency gives options from Daily to Annually, it is a required field.
- Not Before is optional but works as a from date, charges will begin immediately and is left blank.
- Not After is optional but works as a to date, charges will be made indefinitely if left blank.
- Next Charge can be left blank and will begin charges based on the Not Before date or immediately if both are blank.
- The Invoice Frequency drop down can be used to set when the customer is invoiced.
- Select Save to complete the recurring charge, a summary will now be on the Account Charges tab and can be edited or deleted from there.
The Call Signs Tab
- The Call Signs tab enables you to connect call signs to the customer’s account.
- Select + Add to open the Add Call Sign pop up. Enter the call sign and select Add.
Customer Details
- Select the Accounts Tab. Select Admin/Customer Admin from the menu.
- The Customers screen list all current customers.
- The Show dropdown will change how many customers displayed per page.
- Selecting either the Name or Number on the title row will sort the customers list.
- Selecting Name or Number twice will reverse the sort order.
- Search using the customer’s first name or surname.
- The Customer Details screen can be opened by double clicking the customer’s name or selecting the Open button.
- Select Edit to open the full details of the customer and make changes (See Creating a Customer section for guidance).
- Select Delete to remove the customer, this can only be done if no transactions have been created linking the Customer Number.
- Aircraft Details tab show aircrafts that are connected/billed to this.
Aircraft Details
- The Search function will dynamically search on any of the information in table.
- The Aircraft can be sorted by clicking the title line on any of the columns. Click any title twice to reverse the sort order
- To view details about the Aircraft, select the Registration and the Aircraft Details screen will open.
Main Page
/ Accounts / Customer Admin