Main Page
/ Admin / Email Templates
- In the email templates screen you can alter the emails content and send the email as HTML which allows you more customisation of the email.
- Select the admin tab then Common / Email Templates
- Click the edit button to edit the tempalte
- In the settings section you can change the Template type which controls what the email is assosiated with.
- The Recipents section shoudl be left with the defaults.
- The Email Section is where you can edit the Subject and content of the email.
- To add addtional information to the email body that is unique to the customer e.g * Name* or Telephone number drag the information you want from the Body section to the email content box.
- If you would like to send the email as HTML code and use HTML code within the email then click the Send as HTML button which will turn blue when it is activated.
- When you are happy with your changes press the save button
Main Page
/ Admin / Email Templates