
Main Page / Admin / Engines

  • Select the Admin Tab. Select Aircraft / Engines

  • This screen lists all the options of engines used when creating aircraft accounts.

  • The Show dropdown will change how many engines are displayed on a page.

  • Selecting either the Engines or Name on the title row will sort the list.

  • Selecting Engines or Name twice will reverse the sort order.

  • Search using the Engines or Name, this is a dynamic search that will filter the list as you type.

  • The individual Engine screen can be opened by double clicking the Name or selecting the Open button.

  • Select the Edit button to open the details of the engine and make changes.

  • Select Delete to remove the engine.

  • To create a new engine, select the +Add on the Admin/Aircraft/Engines screen.

  • Enter the details of the new engine.

  • Select Save to complete the Engine details

Main Page / Admin / Engines