Main Page
/ Operations / Movement Log
- Select the Operations Tab. Select Movements / Movement Log
- The Movement Log screen shows all activity on any given day, including future dates based on scheduled movements. The date can be changed by clicking on the Date.
- The Completed column will show as an x on scheduled movements until they are completed. Activities completed through ATC will automatically show as completed.
- The Invoiced column will show an x for all activities that are still uncharged, if/when an invoice is raised this will change to a tick.
- Select the v on the left of the row to expand and see more detail.
- In the expanded details, the option to Credit Movement is available if the movement was created in error or if a scheduled movement did not occur.
- If a movement needs logging after it has occurred use the + Add Retrospective Movement button begin the process.
- Begin by entering the aircraft Registration, a search box will appear, select the correct aircraft and click Next.
- The first section confirms the aircraft and Current Status, it also allows you to update where the aircraft is parked. Tick the Update Aircraft box and the Park Location option will appear, then select the correct Parking Location from the dropdown.
- The next section is related to the actual movement that occurred. Begin by entering the Callsign if known.
- Select Direction as Inbound or Outbound from the dropdown options. This is mandatory.
- Enter the Date and time of the movement, time is entered in the At field. These are both mandatory.
- The Airport field is a dynamic look up of the World Airport Codes, options to select will show as you type. This is a mandatory field.
- Select Type of Flight from the dropdown options. This is a mandatory field.
- Select Operator from the dropdown options. This is a mandatory field.
- Select Rule from the dropdown options. This is a mandatory field.
- Select Runway from the dropdown options. This is a mandatory field.
- Select the number of People On Board. This is a mandatory field.
- If there is a Student Pilot or if the movement is for Training Circuits tick the appropriate box.
- Use the Remarks field to make any notes.
- Enter Pilot Name, if known.
- If there is No Charge for the movement tick the box and this will stop it from appearing as an Uncharged Activity.
- The final section logs the numbers of Touch & Go, Navigation and Go Around. Tick the Out Of Hours Charges box if this charge needs to be added.
- Select Save & add another to save and reopen the Add Retrospective Movement screen with the Aircraft populated already. This is useful when entering Inbound and then Outbound or visa-versa.
- Select Save & switch aircraft to save and go back to the initial Registration entry screen
- Select Save & finish to save and go back to the Movement Log screen
The add retrospective exersise button
- If an exercise needs logging after it has occurred use the + Add Retrospective exercise button begin the process.
- Begin by entering the aircraft registration, a search box will appear, select the correct aircraft and click Next.
The Exercise section allows you to fill in the details of the exercise
Begin by entering the Callsign if known.
Enter the Date and time of the movement, time is entered in the At field. These are both mandatory.
* Select the Product from the Product Number section. This is a mandatory field
- The Airport field is a dynamic look up of the World Airport Codes, options to select will show as you type. This is a mandatory field.
- Select Type of Flight from the dropdown options. This is a mandatory field.
- Select Operator from the dropdown options. This is a mandatory field.
- Select Rule from the dropdown options. This is a mandatory field.
- Select Runway from the dropdown options. This is a mandatory field.
- Select the number of People On Board.
- Select the Passenger Count
- If there is a Student Pilot , if the movement is for Training Circuits or the exersise falls into the RFF3 category tick the appropriate box.
- Use the Remarks is a field to make any notes.
- Enter Pilot Name, if known.
- If there is No Charge for the movement tick the box and this will stop it from appearing as an Uncharged Activity.
- The final section logs the numbers of Touch & Go, Navigation and Go Around. Tick the Out Of Hours Charges box if this charge needs to be added.
- Select Save & add another to save and reopen the Add Retrospective Movement screen with the Aircraft populated already. This is useful when entering Inbound and then Outbound or visa-versa.
- Select Save & switch aircraft to save and go back to the initial Registration entry screen
- Select Save & finish to save and go back to the Movement Log screen
The add Road movement button
- If you want to add a road movement to an aircraft, then click the Add road movement button
- Begin by entering the aircraft registration, a search box will appear, select the correct aircraft and click Next.
- The Registration, Current Status and direction will be auto filled for you.
- Enter the Date and time of the movement, time is entered in the At field. These are both mandatory.
- Select the Parking Location from the drop down.
- You can use the Remarks field to add any notes you want.
- Select Save & add another to save and reopen the Add Retrospective Movement screen with the Aircraft populated already. This is useful when entering Inbound and then Outbound or visa-versa.