Main Page
/ Admin / System Users
- On the systems users page you can add new users , change passwords and modify existing users permissions.
- Select the Admin Tab. Select Security / System Users
- To add a new user press the +add button
- Fill out the new Users information and select the role you want them to have a single user can have multiple roles
- Make sure to tick the Is Enabled chekc box to make the user active. Press the Save button when you are ready to add the new user.
- To edit an exisitng user press the Open button to the left of the users name.
- This will take you to the edit user screen press the edit button in the bottom right to edit the user.
- You can now change the users information when you are happy with your changes press the Save button if you dont want to make any changes press the cancel button
- To edit an change a user's password the Open button to the left of the users name.
- This will take you to the edit user screen press Password accounts in the top left to echange the users password.
- In the password accounts screen press the Edit button to the right of the username
- Now you can enter the new password and press the Save button when you are ready.