Main Page
/ Operations / PPR Request
- By default the PPR Requests screen opens on the To Authorise tab
- The screen will list any request not yet approved. Sorting the soonest movement date/time at the top, not the most recent request
- Click the V on the left of the row to expand the details of the movement to review before approval
- When Approve is select the Approve Request screen will pop-up, again this will review the details of the request
- The email subject and body will be pre-populated based on the template but additional email addresses can be added and the content can be changed
- Click Approve one more time and the email will send and PPR Request will become a Scheduled Movement
- When Decline is select the Decline Request screen will pop up displaying the details of the request
- In the Reason section enter the text for the Decline Reason
- The email subject and body will be pre-populated based on the template but additional email addresses can be added and the content can be changed
- Click Decline one more time and the email will send and the PPR Request will stored as a declined request and can be reported on
- The Processed tab has both approved (green tick) and declined (red exclamation) request
Main Page
/ Operations / PPR Request